South Panola High School’s Tiger TV, their broadcast production program, produces elaborate skits as well as daily and weekly news segments.
“When it comes to making content, we think about what our peers are interested in or what would be entertaining. We get opinions from our peers and what they would like to see and try to replicate it in a funnier way,” Tyra Kole Walton, senior executive producer, said.
TikTok has been beneficial for Tiger TV to create content for their website and social media platforms.
“As the executive director, I oversee our content and make sure everything is good enough to go on our websites and socials. Responsibilities are divided between the person who is filming on that specific day. If you come up with content, it is your responsibility to have it edited and done so that I and our advisor can make sure it is good,” Walton said.
The staff builds memories, including going to MSPA and some of the staff winning awards.
“Another great memory was being able to attend the MSPA competition last year and our class being awarded as a finalist for opening sequence, a hype video, and one of our classmates won an All-Mississippi journalist [award]. It was great to watch my classmates be rewarded for their hard-work throughout the school year,” Walton said.
Being a part of the staff prepares the students for their future careers, whether it is in journalism or not. Walton wants to work in marketing and will be able to use the skills she obtained while being on Tiger TV.
“My dream career is to market for companies. I hope to use the communication, editing, and designing skills I’ve learned in Tiger TV to help me in the future,” Walton said.
To keep up with Tiger TV, you can follow them on Instagram @sptigertv. The staff will be taking over the MSPA Instagram on Wednesday, February 21 on the MSPA_MS account!